
Mark your calendars

I was informed today by a lady in our parking lot that Jesus will be returning on or around September 13th of this year.  By my count that gives us 31 days to take care of our final affairs.  There was a very complicated reasoning behind this determination including the Israelite feasts, the differences between the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars, and the symbolism of trumpets in the Bible. 
It must be nice being so convinced that you're right.  As one who struggles at times with having faith in the absolute basics, I can't really picture what it would be like to have that level of confidence in your calculations.  When I started this post I was bent on ridicule; as I sit here thinking about it I have to confess that although she is wrong to pinpoint the date, she *gets it* when it comes to being excited about getting to leave this life behind for the life we were truly made for -- or to put it more correctly, the life that was truly made for us.  She and I differ on much more than just the date when it comes to escatalogical views -- but she is eager to see Jesus; my own daily thoughts lack any sense of excitement in that regard.
++ please re-align my perspective ++


Anonymous said...


Oh, strike that! :D

Jed said...

Incredible -- I have never had a comment posted in < 5 minutes after my post! You're a quick one.

Anonymous said...

I happened to be reading your other post when this one popped up. It was too tempting to not post. :D

Jed said...

still impressive.