

-- Hutch and I will say it together: Morning sickness sucks like a Dyson. Not that I've ever used a Dyson, but I'm told they know how to handle the suckage. Mel has been sick. Very sick. The afore-mentioned Zofran supply ran out, thus beginning our fight with our insurance company. They outright refused to pay for any more of the stuff despite letters from two different doctors and two appeals of their decision. Finally Mel had to be hospitalized for two days at the beginning of last week, which finally got Regence to pay for a two week supply of the Zofran. So she's been taking it as infrequently as possible, since we don't know what it will take to get Regence to pay for any more. It's extraordinarily frustrating to deal with a company that believes only in recuperation (although barely even at that) and puts no stock in prevention. They wanted to see Mel get worse and worse before they would ever consider ponying up and paying for the drug.

-- Ok, looks like that's about the only bullet I've got today. That was a letdown, huh?

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